Friday, March 12, 2010

My first flea market finds

So I am totally into shopping for junk and turning into decor. I am new at this but tell me what you think:

I found this pink plate for $1.49 it looks old. Not sure.

I LOVE mike glass and wanted to start an collect.

I found this old bowl laying outside of our house in LC. FREE!

One more thing I want to save my left over change so I am looking for a cute way to store it. Any Ideas?


Uncanny Festoon said...

I think you did very well...and nothing FREE!!! Since you have been bitten by the junkin bug....keep an eye out for a little change never knows what will strike your fancy...I always like a child's vintage sand pail.


Flaviana said...

Hi Amanda !
thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find yours !
Love the pink plate (how come I never find something so cute and cheap at italian flea markets?? grr)
Have a happy start of the week!
xo, Flaviana

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda! What a great blog you have.. love your finds, you did great! What about a great vintage bowl for collecting change? Looking forward to following! xo

Ashlyn said...

You should find an apple cider jug or a wine jug to store you loose change. I use an old apple cider jug with the label still on it. You might could find one at a little country store, or ask someone who makes homemade wine if they know where to get wine jugs.

Tanya said...

Great finds. I love Milk glass also. You're free bowl is just perfect. Love it with the pears in it!