Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Before and After

So many blogs have great before and after projects; I figured I would take a whack out of it. Hit or Miss?

I found this do-do brown table at an antique store for $10.

I painted the table blue. It is a little to dark for me but my boyfriend loved the color so it stayed. 

Not half bad right?

I got this banged up tray for $10. The tray was priced wrong, it was suppose to be $65. 
YAY for mis-pricing!

I cleaned the tray with toothpaste. Yes toothpaste. Along with three candles and this is a great piece on top of my refrigerator. 

I think I am getting the hang of this!

1 comment:

sara said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! That little blue table looks fantastic. :)