Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tiffany Terribly Happy

I stole this idea from Rock-star Diaries Blog
10 things that make you tiffany terribly happy.

1. Markers
I bought these in college and they are still going strong.

2. Candles

My brother bought me some of these candles for Christmas.

3. Wine Glasses

I own these glasses and I use them for everything including chocolate milk. 

4. My Michael Kors Purses 

The straps are falling apart because I use it so much.

5. Paper Products

I love anything with my name on it.

6. Sorority Hoody


I slept in this the first day I got it.

7. Lost

Enough said...

8. Cheap Frozen Pizza

The cheaper the 88 cents.

9. Sushi

Any time, any place, bring it. 

10. My new puppy

She is coming home today. I am so excited.



Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

A girl after my own heart, we have so many things in common! Especially sushi - anytime, anyplace!! :) Fun list!

Jamie said...

Love your list :) I love WoodWick candles too!

Donna said...

Thanks for the SOS comment haha... My daughter is named Amanda. When I named her back in 1985 I thought it was quite a unique choice. When she enrolled in preschool I discovered how "un-unique" it was!

One of my best friends has a little pom - actually two! Lucky you!

Also love your two favorite movies!!

Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

Natasha in Oz said...

I am loving your list! This is a great idea.

I love candles too and JUST posted about it! I have seen that brand of candles here but haven't tried them yet. I am going to have to now!

Have fun with your new puppy! How wonderful!

Best wishes,

Paige said...

what a lovely list! I'm crazy about markers too! i love the fatty prismacolor ones because they don't leave much a line when they overlap. What brand do you have? I would love some that lasted that long!

Lindsey said...

Love those wine glasses!! Cheap pizza totally rocks and Sushi - never get tired of it! =)

agalandherdog said...

Your puppy is adorable!

Kayla said...

Adorable blog. I am a sucker for markers and woodwick candles too. And who doesn't love a puppy.

hopeless domestic said...

Love your list...i have MANY of the same obsessions -- colored pens, candles, stationary and sushi are among a few of my faves as well!!

Lindsay said...

Oooh I love that new puppy feeling. And those wine glasses are pretty amazing, nobody will mix up their glasses.